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The District of Arizona offers a database of opinions for the years 2012 to current, listed by year and judge.

Judicial opinions from the District of Arizona, as well as other participating courts from throughout the nation, can also be accessed through the U.S. Government Publishing Office's United States Courts Opinions web page. To view judicial opinions on the GPO’s website, click here.

Datesort ascending Description Judge
09/27/12 Stone v. Central and Monroe, LLC (2:09-ap-00424-RJH) 09/27/12

Holding: On these facts, equitable subrogation is not necessary to prevent unjust enrichment of the contractors and subcontractors. To the contrary, even without equitable subrogation, the contractors will be paid far less than they are justly entitled to receive for their work, and it is entirely just and proper that Mortgages should bear a substantial portion of their loss, for which it is largely responsible in at least an equitable sense. The contractors and subcontractors are therefore entitled to a lien priority dating from October, 2005, and Mortgages Ltd. is entitled only to the priority dating from the recordation of its deed of trust on May 16, 2007. 

Judge Randolph J. Haines (retired)
09/27/12 Jeffrey C. Stone, Inc. D/B/A Summit Builders V. Arizona Control Specialists Et Al (2:09-ap-00424-RJH) 09/27/12

Opinion Re: Lien Priority

Judge Randolph J. Haines (retired)
09/26/12 C&C Equipment Co. Doing Business As Professional L V. Bialowas (2:10-ap-01986-CGC) 09/26/12

Under Advisement Decision Re: Plaintiff's Non-Dischargeability Complaint

Judge Charles G. Case II (retired)
09/26/12 C&C Equipment Co. v. Bialowas (2:10-ap-01986-CGC) 09/26/12

Holding: Plaintiff, C&C Equipment, objects to the discharge of Debtor and Defendant Bialowas on the grounds that: (1) the debt to C&C was incurred as a result of Bialowas’s misrepresentations, thus excepting the debt from discharge under section 523(a)(2)(A); (2) Bialowas concealed assets, thus preventing him from obtaining a discharge under section 727(a)(2); (3) Bialowas failed to maintain adequate records, thus preventing him from obtaining a discharge under section 727(a)(3); (4) Bialowas made false statements about his assets, thereby preventing him from obtaining a discharge under section 727(a)(4); and (5) that Bialowas did not satisfactorily explain the loss of his assets, thus preventing him from obtaining a discharge under section 727(a)(5). Judgment on all causes of action will be given to the defendant. 

Judge Charles G. Case II (retired)
09/21/12 Red Mountain Machinery Company v. Comerica Bank (2:09-ap-00941-CGC) 09/21/12

Holding: Dierich’s activities fall short of what they should have been and the Court has found that some of those activities breached his fiduciary duty to RMMC. Indeed, in the many ways, the facts are so egregious that ever recurring questions are -- can’t something be done about this? Isn’t there some remedy for what he did? How can it be right for him to "get a pass?" But the law requires more than bad acts. It insists that those bad acts be the cause of concrete damage to the plaintiff. And, in this case, the proof is just not there on this critical point, except to the extent Dierich was paid during 2009 by RMMC while at the same time acting in his own interests. For these reasons, judgment will be given to the Defendants on all claims other than for salary disgorgement during 2009. 

Judge Charles G. Case II (retired)
09/21/12 Red Mountain Machinery Company Et Al V. Comerica Bank Et Al (2:09-ap-00941-CGC) 09/21/12

Memorandum Decision, Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law Under Fed. R. Bankr. Proc. 7052

Judge Charles G. Case II (retired)
09/20/12 Jeffrey C. Stone, Inc. D/B/A Summit Builders V. Arizona Control Specialists Et Al (2:09-ap-00424-RJH) 09/20/12

Draft Opinion Re: Lien Priority

Judge Randolph J. Haines (retired)
09/13/12 Comercial V.H., S.A. De C.V. (4:12-bk-10933-JMM) 09/13/12

Holding:  An order will be entered which (1) recognizes the CVH Mexican insolvency proceeding as a “foreign main proceeding,” and the role of Alcazar as its “foreign representative,” to act on behalf of the estate of that insolvent entity; but (2) which allows the Pima County Superior Court to continue to administer and ultimately adjudicate the relative rights of all parties claiming an interest in the fund of money presently held in custodia legis in the pending action. 

Judge James M. Marlar (recalled)
09/13/12 Comercial V.H., S.A. De C.V. (4:12-bk-10933-JMM) 09/13/12

Memorandum Decision

Judge James M. Marlar (recalled)
09/13/12 Delbert C Hodge And Renee D Hodge (2:09-bk-26411-JMM) 09/13/12

Holding:  Court denies Bank United's motion for reconsideration.

Judge James M. Marlar (recalled)
