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What is the policy on refunds?


Filing Fees

Pursuant to the Guide to Judiciary Policies and Procedures Volume 4, filing fees may not be refunded if the filing was in error or the case is dismissed.

The following filing fees may not be refunded if it later appears that the filing of the document incurring the fee was in error.

  • Bankruptcy Petition Filing Fee
  • Motion/Notice of Conversion Filing Fee
  • Motion to Reopen Filing Fee
  • Adversary Complaint or Notice of Removal Filing Fee
  • Notice of Appeal Filing Fee
  • Motion for Relief From Stay or to Modify Stay Filing Fee
  • Motion to Compel Abandonment Filing Fee
  • The fee for filing any paper where there is not a pending case, to include registering a judgment from another district
  • Fee for de-consolidation of a joint case

Refundable Payments

The following are examples that may be refunded:

  • The filing fee can be refunded when it is paid and receipted where there is no requirement that a filing fee be paid.
  • A refund can be made when an overpayment is received for any of the required statutory filing fees. The court is only entitled to the prescribed amount.

Request for Refund

Requests for refunds must be submitted in writing if filed by a pro se debtor/client. Attorneys must file refund requests in motion form through CM/ECF and must also upload a corresponding order. Financial administration staff will route all requests for refunds through CM/ECF to the appropriate judge.